Bonding Information


1. BOND FEES, BOOKING FEES, AND OTHER FEES OR DEBTS NEVER NEED TO BE PAID TO SECURE A PERSON’S RELEASE ON MONEY BOND. A payor need only pay the bond amount in order to secure release.

2. While never a basis to hold a defendant in jail, the following fees are chargeable as a debt to the defendant after release if the payor chooses not to pay the fees at the time of bonding: A $10 bond fee and a maximum 3.5% credit card payment fee. No other bond related fees may be charged at anytime, including any Kiosk Fees or Fees for payment by cash, check, or money order.

3. Bond payments are to be made out to the holding County  and are never to be made out in the name of the incarcerated person.

4. A SHERIFF MUST RELEASE A DEFENDANT WITHIN SIX HOURS AFTER A PERSONAL RECONIZANCE BOND IS SET AND THE DEFENDANT HAS RETURNED TO JAIL OR WITHIN SIX HOURS AFTER A CASH BOND HAS BEEN SET AND THE DEFENDANT HAS RETURNED TO JAIL AND THE DEFENDANT OR SURETY NOTIFIED THE JAIL THAT BOND IS PREPARED TO BE POSTED. Unless extraordinary circumstances exist. In the event of a delay of more than six hours, a surety and the defendant have a right to know what, if any, extraordinary circumstances causing the delay. Supervisory conditions of release do not justify a delay in release; except that a Sheriff may hold a defendant for up to 24 hours if its necessary to ensure a defendant is fitted with required electronic monitoring.

5. Anyone who posts a money bond has the right to receive a copy of the bond paperwork including documentation of the next upcoming court date.

6. A surety may never be asked to use posted bond money to pay a defendant’s debts. Only when defendants have posted their own money bond may they be asked if they would like to voluntarily relinquish bond money to pay their debts. Relinquishment of bond money by a defendant to pay a debt is never required and is entirely a voluntary choice by the defendant.

Bond fees will vary dependent on jail location.

Filing a complaint for alleged violations to HB 21-1280 send an email to: and also

Include as much detail as possible; dates and times of the alleged incident; names of parties involved; good contact information on how we may reach you. Your complaint will be addressed and investigated at the first availability of the jail supervisors.